Large Catamarans for Sale


You have found the right place to search for sailing catamarans for sale. To search the database just enter some parameters into the form and click "Search". There are thousands of catamarans for sale here, so you should enter as many parameters as you can think of, and your results will be targeted more exactly. There are sailing catamarans of all sizes and prices below. Please find Catamaran News below for upcoming Boat Shows and more Catamaran News. See more videos on the CATAMARAN MOVIES AND VIDEOS page.

If you are serious about buying a catamaran it is best to remind me of your parameters: size range (example: 42'-45'), layout (3, 4 or 5 staterooms?), brands prefered, max budget "all in", maximum age). Contact Me today!

Sold Catamarans Prices December 2024

Please find selling prices of all SAILING and POWER catamarans over 37' that sold in the world this December courtesy of and

December 2024 Sold Catamaran Prices
December 2024 Sold Catamaran Prices

MARKET COMMENTARY: Worldwide sales for the month are about the same as the previous month (About 40). It's still down from the usual (100-120/month). Prices are sliding slightly downward, albeit slowly.

With the US elections over we see some pent-up demand coming back in. If you are in the market please Email Me and advise your favorite model(s) and we will advise you of the best deals as they come up. Truly good deals do not "wait around" long so you must be ready to take action.

Sold Catamarans Prices November 2024

Please find selling prices of all SAILING and POWER catamarans over 37' that sold in the world this November courtesy of and

November 2024 Sold Catamaran Prices
November 2024 Sold Catamaran Prices

Sold Catamarans Prices October 2024

Please find selling prices of all SAILING and POWER catamarans over 37' that sold in the world this October courtesy of and

October 2024 Sold Catamaran Prices
October 2024 Sold Catamaran Prices

Sold Catamarans Prices September 2024

Please find selling prices of all SAILING and POWER catamarans over 37' that sold in the world this September courtesy of and

September 2024 Sold Catamaran Prices
September 2024 Sold Catamaran Prices

MARKET COMMENTARY: Worldwide sales for the month are still down. Prices are sliding downward, albeit slowly.

Yacht loan interest rates have dropped and can be re-financed at a lower rate when they fall again in the future. Rates and terms are now:
For $750k+ 6.74% fixed 20 year amortization
For $100-500k 6.99% fixed 20 year amortization

If you are still in the market please Email Me and advise your favorite model(s) and we will advise you of the best deals as they come up.

July 2024 Sold Catamaran Prices
July 2024 Sold Catamaran Prices

If you are still in the market please Email Me and advise your favorite model(s) and we will advise you of the best deals as they come up.

Sold Catamarans Prices August 2024

Please find selling prices of all SAILING and POWER catamarans over 37' that sold in the world this August courtesy of and

August 2024 Sold Catamaran Prices
August 2024 Sold Catamaran Prices

MARKET COMMENTARY: Worldwide sales for the month are still down. Prices are sliding downward, albeit slowly. The Euro is at 1.11 to the USD so we aren't seeing many bargains in Euro denominated yachts now. However, there is talk of a major currency reset/revaluation coming this year whereby the USD and Euro will go "on-par" and we could see some real bargains in the French Caribbean and the Med.

If you are still in the market please Email Me and advise your favorite model(s) and we will advise you of the best deals as they come up.

July 2024 Sold Catamaran Prices
July 2024 Sold Catamaran Prices

If you are still in the market please Email Me and advise your favorite model(s) and we will advise you of the best deals as they come up.

January 2024 Sold Catamaran Prices
January 2024 Sold Catamaran Prices

MARKET COMMENTARY: Worldwide sales for the month (55) are still down but inquiries are up in the past week. Interest rates for loans dropped 1/2% in past two weeks.

If you are still in the market please contact us and advise your favorite model(s) and we will advise you of the best deals as they come up.

Miami Boat Show runs Feb. 14th-18th. Remember this show is geared mostly for new yacht sales. If you are interested in seeing some used catamarans, we will be showing them in nearby Fort Lauderdale by appointment.

Sold Catamarans Prices December 2023

Please find selling prices of all SAILING and POWER catamarans over 37' that sold in the world this December courtesy of and

MARKET COMMENTARY: Worldwide sales for the month (53) are still down but inquiries are up in the past week... not sure why. Interest rates for loans are still high but some lenders will refinance as soon as rates drop.

December 2023 Sold Catamaran Prices
December 2023 Sold Catamaran Prices

Sold Catamarans Prices November 2023

Please find selling prices of all SAILING and POWER catamarans over 37' that sold in the world this November courtesy of and

MARKET COMMENTARY: Worldwide sales for the month are back up to levels we saw before the slowdown and inquiries are now coming in steadily in anticipation of the caribbean high-season which starts in 3 weeks. Interest rates for loans are still high but some lenders will refinance as soon as rates drop.

November 2023 Sold Catamaran Prices
November 2023 Sold Catamaran Prices

Deals of the month:
- 2016 leopard 44 (4 stateroom) in excellent condition loaded with equipment in florida for only $495k.

- 2018 leopard 43 power cat (owner version 3/2) with refit guarantee in bahamas only $470k. Won't last long.

November 2023 Sold Catamaran Prices
November 2023 Sold Catamaran Prices

Pirates Attempt Ransom of Leopard 45 Catamaran

Leopard 45 (Sistership)
Attempted Ransom of Leopard 45 Catamaran

I recently sold a 2018 Leopard 45 in St Lucia and the Buyer wanted it delivered to Bocas Del Toro, Panam. The highly-experienced crew were sailing off Aruba today and 4 speedboats of Venezuelan bad guys, pulled them over with automatic weapons and forced them into Venezuelan waters off Puerto Escondido (but didnt land)... they were demanding a large ransom.

We alerted US Coast Guard (San Juan), Dutch Navy (Aruba) and USCG immediately put a C-130 in the air, a helicopter and a Cutter heading that way... I think the bad guys may have seen the Cutter and aircraft and they just robbed the money from the crew, took their cell phones and released the yacht and crew. We also alerted the Venezuelan authorities who made some derogatory comments about Americans and told us to Flake Off.

Sold Catamarans Prices October 2023

Please find selling prices of all SAILING and POWER catamarans over 37' that sold in the world this October courtesy of and

October 2023 Sold Catamaran Prices
October 2023 Sold Catamaran Prices

Sold Catamarans Prices September 2023

Please find selling prices of all SAILING and POWER catamarans over 37' that sold in the world this August courtesy of and

MARKET COMMENTARY: Worldwide sales for the month were down to about 50% of what they were 6 months ago. As interest rates rise demand for loans and yachts fall. Prices are starting to fall on catamarans except for the "Creampuffs".

September 2023 Sold Catamaran Prices
September 2023 Sold Catamaran Prices

Sold Catamarans Prices August 2023

Please find selling prices of all SAILING and POWER catamarans over 37' that sold in the world this August courtesy of and

We usually see the lowest prices of the year in the late Summer/early Fall. Because the "Snowbird" buyers usually wait until September-October to buy for the upcoming Caribbean high season (December thru May). So, it pays to "beat the rush" and get a first option before the "buying competition" heats up. Also, inventories of used yacht listings are building now. Prices are weakening albeit slowiy. If you are ready to take action it is best to remind me of your favorite make/model/max budget and we will alert you to "developing deals". These usually develop soon and get sold quickly.

August 2023 Sold Catamaran Prices
August 2023 Sold Catamaran Prices

Sold Catamarans Prices June 2023

Please find selling prices of all SAILING and POWER catamarans over 37' that sold in the world this June courtesy of and

June 2023 Sold Catamaran Prices
June 2023 Sold Catamaran Prices

Sold Catamarans Prices May 2023

Please find selling prices of all SAILING and POWER catamarans over 37' that sold in the world this May courtesy of and

May 2023 Sold Catamaran Prices
May 2023 Sold Catamaran Prices

April 2023 Sold Catamaran Prices
April 2023 Sold Catamaran Prices

Sold Catamarans Prices March 2023

Please find selling price histories of all SAILING and POWER catamarans over 37' that sold in the world this March courtesy of and

March 2023 Sold Catamaran Prices
January 2023 Sold Catamaran Prices

Sold Catamarans Prices January 2023

Please find selling price histories of all SAILING and POWER catamarans over 37' that sold in the world this January courtesy of and

January 2023 Sold Catamaran Prices
January 2023 Sold Catamaran Prices

Cruising the British Virgin Islands January 2023


We saw a lull in catamaran sales for about 2 months and Buyers returned in a big way in the past 3 weeks and many deals were written. Most of this were from buyers preparing for the upcoming Caribbean high season, to gain Section 179 tax deductions by buying a catamaran and we still see a lot of capital flight from the stock and money markets going into "real" things like real estate and catamarans that tend to hold value. I heard a rumor that the large Section 179 tax deductions are ending on Dec 31 so if you need to shelter a capital gain or income contact me ASAP. Action must be taken by December 31st.

Catamaran Market Update November, 2022

Sold Catamarans Prices November 2022

Please find selling price histories of all SAILING and POWER catamarans over 37' that sold in the world this November courtesy of and

November 2022 Sold Catamaran Prices
November 2022 Sold Catamaran Prices

Sold Catamarans Prices October 2022

Please find selling price histories of all SAILING and POWER catamarans over 37' that sold in the world this October courtesy of and

October 2022 Sold Catamaran Prices
October 2022 Sold Catamaran Prices


The "snowbirds" have started their usual Fall buying in anticipation of the upcoming Caribbean "high season" but there is definitely less demand than in past recent years. Many prospective buyers tell me the real estate market and stock market are poised to crash like in 2008-9 and they think catamaran prices will follow BUT in 2008-9 prices for the "hot" models like Owner's Versions actually rose! The old high-mileage cats' prices did crash.

This past year I think we saw a lot of money leaving the stock, bond and intangibles markets seeking "real things" like real estate but when those prices overheated the money then went into collector cars, yachts that hold value and some aircraft. The USD is strong because the U.S. is no longer allowed to pay for imports by printing unlimited fiat currency and the bulk of USD are actually held by foreigners.

Sold Catamarans Prices September 2022

Please find selling price histories of all SAILING catamarans over 37' that sold in the world this past month courtesy of and

September 2022 Sold Catamaran Prices
September 2022 Sold Catamaran Prices

Sold Catamarans Prices August 2022

Click the Catamarans Sold in August link or the PDF image below to see the PDF of selling price histories of all SAILING and POWER catamarans over 37' that sold in the world recently courtesy of and

August 2022 Sold Catamaran Prices
August 2022 Sold Catamaran Prices

Sold Catamarans Prices July 2022

Click the Catamarans Sold in July link or the PDF image below to see the PDF of selling price histories of all SAILING and POWER catamarans over 37' that sold in the world recently courtesy of and

July 2022 Sold Catamaran Prices
July 2022 Sold Catamaran Prices

Sold Catamarans Prices June 2022

Click the Catamarans Sold in June link or the PDF image below to see the PDF of selling price histories of all SAILING and POWER catamarans over 37' that sold in the world recently courtesy of and

June 2022 Sold Catamaran Prices
June 2022 Sold Catamaran Prices

If you are interested in seeing selling price histories of a particular model just let me know model, years, make, etc and I can send details. Knowing the actual selling prices is the smart way to understand the market. If you would like to see power cat selling prices just let me know.

Sold Catamarans Prices May 2022

Click the Catamarans Sold in May link or the PDF image below to see the PDF of selling price histories of all SAILING AND POWER catamarans over 38' that sold in the world recently courtesy of and

May 2022 Sold Catamaran Prices
May 2022 Sold Catamaran Prices

If you are interested in seeing selling price histories of a particular model just let me know model, years, make, etc and I can send details. Knowing the actual selling prices is the smart way to understand the market.

If you are seriously in the market for a catamaran please send me a brief eMail at and just type in your current favorite model (for example: "2016+ Lagoon 450F") and I will reply with an in-depth look into my crystal ball, market forecast for future prices and top tips to save money in this market.

Sold Catamarans Prices April 2022

Click the Catamarans Sold April or the PDF image below to see the PDF of selling price histories of all SAILING catamarans over 37' that sold in the worldwide recently courtesy of and

April 2022 Sold Catamaran Prices
April 2022 Sold Catamaran Prices

Starlink Internet for Catamarans Locations

Starlink is becoming "portable" and will be a game changer for the live-aboard yacht market and will cause more demand. See the latest news here:

Sold Catamarans Prices January 2022

Click the Catamarans Sold Link or the image below to see the PDF of selling price histories of all SAILING catamarans over 37' that sold in the worldwide recently courtesy of and Interested in seeing selling price histories of a particular model? Let me know model, years, make, etc and I can send details. If you would like to see power cat selling prices just let me know.

January 2022 Sold Catamaran Prices
January 2022 Sold Catamaran Prices

Sold Catamarans Prices December 2021

Click the Catamarans Sold Link or the image below to see the PDF of selling price histories of all SAILING catamarans over 37' that sold in the worldwide recently courtesy of and

December 2021 Sold Catamaran Prices
December 2021 Sold Catamaran Prices

Sold Catamarans Prices September 2021

Click the Cats Sold Link or the image below to see the PDF of selling price histories of all SAILING catamarans over 37' that sold in the world recently courtesy of and

Sold Catamarans September 2021

Elon Musk Internet Rocket


Trend Trader Daily

Here are some bullet points:
- On March 1st, 2021 Elon Musk will introduce his new "Super-Internet" which offers 12x the speeds of the current internet for up to 98% less than what you are currently paying.

Elon Musk Internet Satellites

- Download speeds greater than 100 megabits per second. You can stream multiple hi-def movies at the same time!

- This is powered by his Starlink satellites. 1,023 satellites have been launched to-date and 120 are being added each month. These STARLINK routers are positioned in low earth orbit (210 miles high) and the FCC approved Musk for 11,900 of these which will blanket the earth with cheap high-speed internet. He will have 1,000,000+ ground-based terminals to receive and send info to the satellites. Say "bye-bye" to your cable company!

Elon Internet Coverage

- The system is still in the Beta testing stage (Jan-Feb 2021) and when the bugs have been worked out then the major rollout will start to happen (March 1?)...

- Amazon is getting into the act and has received FCC approval to launch 3,200 Kuiper internet satellites. Competition is good for the consumer!

Elon Musk Internet Satellite

This means that with more people able to "work from home" and not be chained to an office-desk, you can realistically buy a live-aboard yacht, cruise the world "tax-free" and get reliable, cheap, super-fast internet. The world is a-changing!

Herreschoff 1876 Built 24' Catamaran

Herreschoff 1876 Built 24' Catamaran

Herreshoff 24 Catamaran pictured above. Built in 1876 and won the NY Yacht Club Centennial Regatta that year and was immediately banned from future racing events "because it had an 'unfair advantage' over monohulls.

Coronavirus COVID-19 Statement

Coronavirus COVID-19 Statement

Catamaran Collection continues to practice safety in light of the COVID-19 pandemic. Agents and staff are working from home to continue brokerage services. Catamaran Collection is showing boats via Facetime, etc. from a boat to prospective buyers. Contact Us to follow your dreams.

Leopard 40- Narrated Catamaran Walkthrough

October, 2019

Right now the European high season has ended and many Sellers are faced with large "carrying costs" over the next six months and will pass along the savings if you will take the yacht now. Because Europe is a crowded place some storage facilities are now demanding 6 months storage fees "up front" plus each owner must pay insurance, interest (if they have a loan) and they must maintain the catamaran. This can add up to $20k which they want to avoid so they have discounted their asking prices. Contact Me today.

Length Boats Year Current US$
45' Lagoon 440 2009 206,404
45' Lagoon 450 2014 357,024
45' Lagoon 450 2012 317,975
39' Lagoon 400 S2 2014 222,024
39' Lagoon 400 S2 2013 245,454
39' Leopard 40 2008 189,669
38' Leopard 384 2011 189,669

Annapolis Show

I plan to be at the Annapolis Show just on Monday October 14th because that is the only "sane" day (when all the crowds are gone). If you would like to have a private meeting to discuss your personal situation I can do so by appointment in the morning and early afternoon... sometime around mid-afternoon I will get together some beer and wine and meet either on a boat or in a bar/restaurant near the show and have an "Educational 'Q&A' Event" whereby we have a few drinks (on me), we have a few laughs and I answer questions for the group.

I like these "Educational Events" because under the IRS tax law they qualify for a full deduction unlike "meals and Entertainment" and I'm all about minimizing taxes, having some fun and exploring new worlds in catamarans.

So, if you will be around Monday just text me and I will know the location for the get-together sometime late morning and text you back with that.

All the best!
Gary Fretz

Catamarans Selling Prices

Catamaran Collection offers a page with Catamarans Selling Prices for your information and to be a more educated buyer. Go to the Catamaran Selling Prices page to see the latest offered and sold prices.

45' Lagoon Catamaran for Sale SOLD
Lagoon Catamaran for Sale

Better Than New- 2016
Two Boat Owner
Specifications and Images
Contact Gary Fretz for Details
954-609-6282 ·

Sold Catamarans Info A New Section has been added to the site. A Catmarans Sold Archive showcases a sampling of boats sold by Gary of boat info with listing and sold price.

Prepurchase Survey for Leopard 47 Catamaran

This is an in-depth look above at a 2009 Leopard 47 Power Catamaran during a survey and sea trial showing details of every part of the boat and some of the items we check on a typical PrePurchase Survey. Commentary by Gary Fretz.

Hurricane Damage Effects on Catamaran Charters & Sales

See in the above video Gary discusses the effects that hurricanes have effected the charter fleets and the private catamarans for sale. Inventory of the major charter fleets has been decimated. New boat construction has been taken over by the big charter fleets for the next one to two years. Contact Gary for more information to buy wiser for your catamaran.

Secrets to Buying the Best Catamarans

Top 5 Tips For Buying Catamarans

See in the above video Gary discusses his "Top 5 Tips For Buying Catamarans". Contact Gary for more information to buy wiser for your catamaran.

Bahamas Boat Trip

Gary is bringing a privately owned 2014 Leopard 39 cruising catamaran to the South Florida area next weekend. The boat is currently located in Marsh Harbour, Abacos and we're looking for a few interested sailors who would like blue water sailing experience. A very experienced captain who loves teaching has been hired. No sailing experience required. Depending on weather you'll hopefully be able to sail the majority of the trip (winds have been great for sailing & predictions are good) or depending on the wind direction and speed you may have to motor some or all.

Gary is bringing a privately owned 2014 Leopard 39 cruising catamaran to the South Florida area next weekend. The boat is currently located in Marsh Harbour, Abacos and we're looking for a few interested sailors who would like blue water sailing experience. A very experienced captain who loves teaching has been hired. No sailing experience required. Depending on weather you'll hopefully be able to sail the majority of the trip (winds have been great for sailing & predictions are good) or depending on the wind direction and speed you may have to motor some or all.

-Thursday 11/16/17 Fly to Marsh Harbour.
-Friday 11/17/17 Leave Marsh Harbour in the morning to start the trip to Miami.
-Sunday 11/19/17 Arrive in Miami around 6pm depending on weather.

- One way airfare to Marsh Harbour, Abacos. There is a flight on 11/16/17 from West Palm Beach airport on Bahamasair to Marsh Harbour 12:20p to 1:20p for $141. This is booking quickly. Reservations your responsibility.
-$475 for main suite on the boat with private head (accommodates a couple or single sailor).
-$400 for smaller cabins with shared head (accommodates a couple or single sailor)
-Cost for your food and drinks. The group usually share meal preparation and cost.

This voyage will provide great blue water cruising experience as well as being lots of fun!!

If you have questions, would like more information or interested please call Beth at 305-665-4994 as soon as possible.

40 OPEN FOILER Debuts Yachting Festival Cannes!
40 Open Foiler Power Cat
Yachting Festival Cannes Logo
Sept. 12-17, 2017

THE 40 OPEN FOILER debuted at the CANNES YACHT SHOW THIS FALL and I predict will be a big hit. Contact Gary Fretz for more information at

Applying an advanced multihull design to a day cruiser concept allows for massive lounging space and extraordinary stability at high speeds in a relatively small package. Naturally balanced, the 40' Open Foiler doesn't require complex stabilizing systems and provides a fast, safe and fuel-efficient ride.

40 OPEN FOILER Overhead View
40 Open Foiler Power Cat Overhead View

The 40 Open Foiler is equipped with dynamic inboard propulsion ranging from 2x425 HP to 2x1100 HP to offer an impressive speed potential of over 60kts. Taking speed to a higher level, the hydrofoil-equipped 40 Open Power H is offered in multiple outboard engine configurations from 2x627 HP to 4x400 HP. The innovative retractable hydrofoil system lifts the boat above the water when cruising above 25 knots and reduces drag considerably. As a result, the 40 Open Power H can glide above the waves to attain speeds up to 60kts in foil-borne mode. With drag reduced to an absolute minimum, the boat also benefits from extremely low fuel consumption and long range. At the dock or at low speeds the foils retract into the hull.

40 OPEN FOILER Extended Decks
40 Open Foiler Power Cat Extended Decks

A beamy alternative for classic day boats, the 40 Open Power represents a new level of onboard comfort and the ability to fit more usable space in a given LOA. Two lateral aft folding platforms enhance the already generous living space of the catamaran, creating more room to enjoy watersports. The area below the aft sunpad conceals immense storage to keep water toys and diving gear at hand. The helm, fitted with sporty seats is well protected and equipped with a touchscreen to easily scroll through the boat's systems.

The bow-placed dining area uses the beam of the boat to the maximum, providing for maximum versatility with adjustable tables and abundant seating. Depending on the Owner's preferences, this part of the deck can also be turned into a comfortable cabin capable of overnight trips. Large volumes are also available down in the hulls to house a bathroom, an additional stateroom or utility room. Premium audio-video systems and individually selected tech gear, custom upholstery and new layout solutions – the options to customize the 40 Open are limitless.

Contact Gary Fretz for more information at

We are constantly asked "Why are catamarans so much more expensive in the U.S. than elsewhere?". The video below answers that and tells you how to find the best deals.

Why are catamarans so much more expensive in the U.S. than elsewhere?

See the video below to see Gary interviewed about boat buying and the expenses that come after titled "How much does a boat cost after you buy it? Q & A with Boat Buying Expert Gary Fretz". Hear about the costs of insurance, registration, documentation, taxes, customs importation, dockage, maintenance, survey requirements and Gary's qualifications as a Broker.

How much does a boat cost after you buy it?

Palm Beach Boat Show
Miami Boat Show
March 23-26, 2017

I was available for the Palm Beach Boat Show in West Palm Beach, FL on March 23-26, 2017. This is a great Boat Show with all the boats and displays in one location close to hotels, parking, restaurants, etc. for a really nice Show experience. Contact Me for more info and to see the boats at the Show on your schedule.

Miami Boat Show- Strictly Sail
Miami Boat Show
February 16-20, 2017
I was at the Seawind display for Strictly Sail, Maimarina with Catamaran Collection selling new Seawinds and used cats at Booth: P3-11.

Seawind Catamarans- Miami Boat Show · Strictly Sail
Miami Boat Show

Four Cats Sold in One Month!
Four Cats Sold in One Month

I closed sales on the following catamarans in the past month:
2007 Lidgard 73 Sailing Catamaran. 4 staterooms/5 heads. This was a distress sale and I am happy to share pricing with anyone who Contacts Me.

2012 Lagoon 450 4/4 in excellent condition for only Euros 313,000. Because the dollar has been rising against the Euro this US buyer paid $336,000 in dollars...this was an excellent deal for the buyer! Yachts priced in Euros have been good "buys" lately since the Euro has been weakening against the dollar. I have one more like this and it won't last long.

2011 Leopard 38 (4/2). This cat was in excellent condition with a new Livingston 10' dinghy and sold for $182,000 with US Duty Paid.

2013 Leopard 39 Owners Version. This like-new catamaran sold for $299,400.

If you would like to know what other cats have been selling for just Contact Me and tell me what make(s) and model(s) you are interested in and I can tell you exactly what they have been selling for. Also, List Your Cat with me to get her sold fast.

Contact Me now to buy your next catamaran!

Catamarans for Sale News 2016
Catamarans for Sale News 2015
Catamarans for Sale News 2014
Catamarans for Sale News 2013
Catamarans for Sale News 2012
Catamarans for Sale News 2011

Catamaran Collection
Ft Lauderdale, FL 33316, USA
Fax 954.337.0544
Skype: Boataholic