Please tell me what Power Cats you are looking for and I will run a customised worldwide search of all the power catamarans for sale and I will send this list to you promptly by eMail. Then when you identity which ones are of further interest I can send more vessel specifications, photos and details. Just give me some of your requirements such as:
- minimum and maximum length?
- for charter/commercial use or personal use? If commercial use, then how many passengers or staterooms ideally? Where will you operate the vessel (I need to know because sometimes the vessel needs to be certified for that area and this can be expensive)? Are you already operating commercial vessels?
- do you prefer high-speeds or fuel economy? Do you understand that high-speed capability can double or triple the cost of the vessel? Do you need long range capability?
- maximum budget
- draft restrictions?
- any other requirements?
- will you consider a newbuild?
- do you need financing? If so, are you a European or US Resident?
Please Contact Me for more information for Power Catamarans.
Catamaran Collection
Ft Lauderdale, FL 33316, USA 001.954.609.6282 Fax 954.337.0544 Skype: Boataholic |